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    It’s a digital platform of road construction materials, new technologies and other road construction tools. The Unified database was developed by KazdorNII JSC in 2023
    The purpose of this base is to improve the quality, development and support of domestic science and production, to determine efficiency, to have an open and transparent implementation, to eliminate falsification and lobbying of road construction materials and new technologies.

    Components of the Base

    GIS map of quarries

    It is a GIS map with the geographical location of quarries/factories and information on manufactured products. The advantage of GIS map is up-to-date information, the elimination of lobbying of manufacturers, falsifications about the quality of RCM

    Register of asphalt concrete plants

    The ACP map is a GIS map with the geographical location of asphalt concrete plants and information about them. The map shows the results of inspection of asphalt concrete plants. In total, more than 400 asphalt plants are currently operating in Kazakhstan.

    The register of technical road safety equipment

    It is a list of materials used to ensure road safety: paints for road markings, road fences, cable barriers, road elements. Registration in this register is done by submitting an application with the provision of a test report.

    Register of cement manufacturers for road construction

    A systematized database that includes information about cement manufacturers, their location and contact details. The register is created on the basis of information provided by the manufacturers themselves, and serves for effective control and monitoring of the quality of cement used in road construction.

    Register of new technologies

    It is a database of new and innovative materials, products and technologies that have been tested and are being tested. The register contains lists of RCM with detailed information about the manufacturer, supplier, scope of application, information on developed regulatory documents, test reports, etc.

    Register of accredited laboratories

    It is a list of laboratories that have been accredited by the National Accreditation Center and confirmed their competence in the field of testing road construction materials.

    Register of manufacturers of mineral powder for road construction

    A systematized database containing information about manufacturers of mineral powder used in road construction. The register contains data on the location of manufacturers, their contact information, certification information and other important characteristics necessary to ensure the quality and compliance of mineral powder with the requirements of road construction.

    Catalog of machines and mechanisms

    A digital register, which is a systematic list of new and innovative machines and mechanisms used in road construction. The catalog is intended to collect information about road construction equipment used in the country, such as ice rinks, asphalt pavers, concrete pavers and other machines produced after 2010. The main purpose of the catalog is to update technological maps, estimated norms and regulations based on the collected data, which will allow timely adjustment of prices for the operation of equipment and improve the quality of road construction and repair.

    Information on new technologies

    Green status

    (tested) - included in the Register of new technologies, recommended for inclusion in the design and estimate documentation

    Yellow status

    (at the testing stage) - there is a laboratory conclusion from an accredited laboratory, a pilot site has been allocated, in the process of passing scientific and technical support and monitoring of the pilot site

    Blue status

    (reconsideration) - there is a final report on the experimental site (conclusion of scientific and technical support and monitoring), but the minimum voting threshold of the Technical Council for inclusion in the register of new technologies has not been reached. In this case, applicants who did not pass the voting of the Technical Council, can retake the voting with the provision of additional information of the proposed products.

    Gray status

    (not tested) – there is a conclusion from an accredited laboratory, at the stage of allocating a pilot site.

    Procedure and timing for inclusion of developments in the register

    1Initial examination (up to 20 working days) employees of the New Technologies Department of KazdorNII JSC (Registry Operator)
    2The registry operator decides on the admission (non-admission) of applications for consideration by the Technical Council.

    Classification of materials and technologies in road construction by status

    Quarry information


    Status (active) - the quarry is in operation, the selection of road construction materials has been made, the test reports are relevant (no more than 1 year from the date of the test)

    At the testing stage

    Status (at the testing stage) - the quarry is in operation, primary or repeated selection of road construction materials has been carried out, the test report is missing or irrelevant (more than 1 year from the date of testing)


    Status (inactive) – the quarry is not working.